0010_011_Charles Caesar Pyle family album

This collection of photos mainly of the Charles Caesar Pyle family was assembled from photos that were saved by Gerald Quinn and augmented by photos from Joyce Owens( marked JO). The photos of the Pyle family are mostly arranged chronologically - as well as possible.

Additional photos in this collection include a sequence of Matilda Graves Wilkes, Frank Alexandria Wilkes Pyle's mother and Charles Pyle's mother-in-law. There are some newspaper articles from the PI and a sequence of Frankie after she retired and became a world traveler. The very end of the collection are unidentifiable photos that were in the collection saved by Gerald Quinn.

pix10_0010.jpg: This photo and the next appear to show members of the Frank Duval Wilkes family. The man would be Frank Wilkes and the woman, his wife would be Matilda Graves Wilkes. However the children of this couple do not seem to fit the photo. Their children were William b: July '73, Beseta b: 1877, Frank Alexandria b: Jan. '78, and Rex Bogarth b: May 1880.

pix10_0015.jpg: This photo is even more confusing.

Pix10_0017.jpg: JO: Funeral announcement for F.D. Wilkes' daughter Beseta (Bessie). According to a newspaper announcement, she was 9 years old when she died. That would put her birth around January, 1887.

pix10_0020.jpg: Charles Caesar Pyle was in the U.S. Army stationed in the PI during the Philippine-American War and wrote this letter back home to be read at the Pyle family reunion.

pix10_0025.jpg: This is the program for the 15th Pyle family reunion

pix10_0030.jpg: Newspaper clipping describing the reunion

pix10_0035.jpg: This is Charles Caesar Pyle, a copy of an earlier photo. The original might have been his college graduation photo. Since the photo was copied in Washington DC, I assume it was made sometime between July and October of 1910 when Charles was recovering from surgery at Walter Reed Hospital.

pix10_0040.jpg: This is the original of his college (Sam Houston Normal) photo.

pix10_0045.jpg: After Charles and Frank married they lived in Manila. This is their 1904 Christmas decoration. Charles and baby Theresa are by the tree.

pix10_0050.jpg: Theresa Permelia Pyle - her middle name was from Charles Pyle's mother.

pix10_0055.jpg: Frank Alexandria and Theresa

pix10_0060.jpg: Valentine card to Charles from Theresa


pix10_0070.jpg: I think this is Charles Wilkes, their son

pix10_0075.jpg: JO: I think this is Theresa (on left) and a friend, probably in PI

pix10_0080.jpg: I think this is Frankie with her children in Manila. There are references in Charles Caesar's letters about their horse and buggy.



pix10_0085.jpg: Charles and Theresa

pix10_0090.jpg: Charles and Theresa scaled up from prior photo.

pix10_0095.jpg: Another mystery. This is Frankie but it is not evident that the child is Charles Wilkes. The child's hair doesn't seem to match either of the Wilkes children's hair in other photos.

pix10_0100.jpg: I think this is Charles.

pix10_0105.jpg: Unknown girl, about 10 years old.

pix10_0110.jpg: This might be Charles Wilkes but probably not. The shape of this boy's nose is different and his hair is darker.


pix10_0120.jpg: News clipping about Charles Wilkes death

pix10_0125.jpg: JO: Charles Caesar Pyle. Probably taken when he was back in the States.

pix10_0130.jpg: Charles Caesar Pyle on his homestead in Nebraska

pix10_0135.jpg: Frankie and Theresa, Theresa about 10 years old.

pix10_0140.jpg: Three newspaper articles about the legal problems that Frankie encountered while Charles was back in the States.



pix10_0155.jpg: Matilda, Frankie's mother, Theresa and Frankie


pix10_0165.jpg: JO: These are probably professional people who Frankie worked with after returning to DC. Frankie is second from left on front row.


pix10_0175.jpg: John Jessup, Frankie Pyle and Theresa Pyle Jessup on their wedding day.

pix10_0180.jpg: These are photos taken while Frankie was doing her world travels. She is the lady in the dark dress with the black hat.




pix10_0200.jpg: Frank Alexandria Wilkes Pyle obituary

pix10_0205.jpg: Theresa Jessup's obituary

pix10_0210.jpg: I think this is Matilda Graves Wilkes, Frankie's mother. It is a 2.5 x 3.5" image. Stamped on the back is Executive Bureau 38205, Dec 29, 1903. It may have been taken for her teaching position in the Philippines.



pix10_0225.jpg: I think this also Matilda but younger than in the prior photo.


pix10_0235.jpg: This is a series of 4 proofs taken of Matilda. These were probably taken after she returned to the States to live with her son Rex.




pix10_0255.jpg: This is the last of the photos of Matilda. This might have been taken after she moved to live in Washington.

pix10_0260.jpg: The remainder of these photos are unidentified. Most were in the Quinn box so either Frank or Charles saved them.











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